
This is a story I have been working on for many years, which takes place in a world I invented when I was a kid. As I go along in my life, I sometimes get in the writing mood and sit down and write a few paragraphs of the story. These posts are not necessarily in order, and I will change them around and add things in between them as time goes on. These posts may include notes, images, and ideas that aren't in a story format. I don't know if this story will ever be finished, since I only work on it sporadically, but this is an outlet and a way to organize my ideas as the story takes shape.

Much of this story is a conglomeration of different mythologies from different countries. My parents would read me mythology before bed when I was just a little kid, probably no more than four or five. I still have those old books. Thank you mom and dad, for my overactive imagination.

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